4 dimensional array help
Hi, I'm new here and wonder if you van help me out with regard to using an array in excel.
Although I've worked with arrays before, I cannot get this one to work...
The array I need, needs to be able to do this:
- 4 dimensional, so 4 different values:
- Value 1, "WPnr": from 1 to 80 different values stored. Number field.
- Value 2, "DateCount": number of different dates. 1 number. Number field.
- Value 3, "Dates": stores the possible different dates. From 1 to 366. Date field.
- Value 4, "Score": stores the value/score for EACH SEPERATE date. Since there are 366 possible different dates: 366 values.
Each of the 80 different WPnr's can consist of several dates and each date holds a score.
"DateCount"is used to count the number of possible different dates used for each WPnr.
This is done because each WPnr has its own sheet in Excel.
On each WPnr-sheet its corresponding different dates with the corresponding scores are listed ( on seperate rows) and shown in a graph.
So the "DateCount" is used to run through a loop to fill the seperate rows with the dates and scores.
Is there anyone who can help me out or give ome tips & tricks ?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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