Add Worksheet Navigation button on mouse right click

If you want to add a new button on mouse right click menu "Worksheet Navigation" showing the list of worksheets in active workbook and navigate easily.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next
'Delete the new button if already exists
' name of the new button is "New Button"
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Worksheet Navigation").Delete
'run a macro to add a new button on mouse right click
Call add_new_button
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
' delete the btton when workbook is closed.
' name of the new button is "New Button"
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Worksheet Navigation").Delete
End Sub

Add below code to module1 or any new module

Option Explicit
Sub add_new_button()

' macro to add new button with name "New Button"
Dim cBut As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
' name of the new button "New Button"
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Worksheet Navigation").Delete
Set cBut = Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
' name of the new button is "New Button"
cBut.Caption = "Worksheet Navigation"
' name of macro which you want to run when u will click on it
cBut.OnAction = "new_button_macro"

End Sub

Sub new_button_macro()

Dim cbut2 As CommandBarControl
Dim cmda As CommandBarControl
Dim i As Integer
Dim wk As Worksheet

' delete all exisitng buttons if any added on "New Button" Further"
For Each cmda In Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Worksheet Navigation").Controls
On Error Resume Next

' run a loop and add new buttons further on "New Button"
For Each wk In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

Set cbut2 = Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Worksheet Navigation").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With cbut2
'button name
.Caption = wk.Name
' macro to be assigned on button
.OnAction = "activate_sheet"
If wk.Visible = True Then
.FaceId = 351
.FaceId = 352
End If
End With


End Sub

Sub activate_sheet()

Dim ans As String
' check if sheet is hidden
If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Caption).Visible <> xlSheetVisible Then
ans = MsgBox("This Worksheet is currently hidden. Do you want to unhide ? ", vbOKCancel, "Please Answer")
If ans = vbOK Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Caption).Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If

End Sub

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