Extract data
Hi Guy
I really need your help please.
My Excel knowledge is very limited if it comes to this.
I have data in a sheet which we currently manually capture in another system
The data however is in the wrong format for bulk uploading.
Below a link to an example.
The Data sheet is the format we currently use. The Cliam sheet is the format it needs to be converted to.
I am goint to try and explain it to the best of my ability.
From the data sheet it need to look at col Q the invoice number colum. If it have an invoice number it then have to look at Colums R and S (Iclaim Status) and Comments.
If it is empty it then i need it to be converted to the format as in the claim sheet
It needs to Copy the below following to the relevant field on the claim sheet
PO number
invoice number.
It then has to Combine the word "DTS" and the data in The DTS colom and the data in the description field to the Claim comments field on this sheets
Then it needs to Have a look in the catagory field on the Data sheet to see if it has data if it has data take the code from the category and enter it in the category field in this example line 15 the Catagory OC1 it also needs to do this for the Type coloms as well.
It also needs to copy the relevant quantity to the qantity field
It needs to do this for every catogary where it finds data.
If there is more then one catagory it need to place it underneath the pervious one and increase the invoice number with a alphabetical number
Hope this makes sense.
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