Insert Scroll Bar Help
I have created a spreadsheet that has a calendar going horizontal along the top of my spreadsheet with an inserted scroll bar above it that can change through the dates. The cells underneath are blank but with a list attached with each persons name in the list that will be using the spreadsheet. The left rows are the list of things that the person will put their name towards and the columns are the dates that they will require the items in the list.
The problem I am having is that when somebody books something out on say Monday 01/09/2014. When I scroll through the calendar, the name in the box does not stay at 01/09/2014. It stays where it is but the date will continue scrolling therefore it looks like that person has then booked out say Wed 10/09/2014 instead of 01/09/2014.
Does anyone know how I can make the calendar and all the blank boxes underneath scroll together?
I have uploaded a couple of screenshots of the spreadsheet. The name remains in the same box but the date changes in the 2nd picture:
Screenshot 1 -
Screenshot 2 -
Hopefully somebody will know and I look forward to hearing back from anyone that does.
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