Need help with a formula or code that will copy data from a group of cells and paste it into another group of cells...
Need help with a formula or code that will copy data from a group of cells and paste it into another group of cells if a value is changed. In addition, I also need that group of cells being pasted to find the next available blank group of cells in a specific range to be pasted in.
Just so you are aware of what I am doing... I run a baseball league with 10 teams and 110 players. I want to have all the players information on sheet 1 including what team they are assigned to however when I decide which team they will join I would like some of their information be populated into sheet 2 where it has all the teams split up showing which players are on which team together. I tried using =if formulas and such however the real issue is if on sheet 1 I create a data validation list of the teams that I choose from to place the players on, I want that player and some selected information about them to copy onto the team roster on sheet 2 ON THE NEXT AVAILABLE GROUP OF CELLS. I would even love to see a row inserted automatically if the range ran out of cells. Lastly, if you could also make it so when the player is added to their team on sheet 2 that they are added in alphabetical order or if it could automatically sort once pasted.
Hope you can help. Thanks!!
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