Need to lookup a Name on Random Sheets and Return Hours Value to Weekly Summary Page (Images attached)
First, Thank you. I am not the best at excel, but I do try....
I have created the bulk of the worksheet, and I am now on the summary page. My challenge for the summary is looking up when someone's name appears in Column A on any of the sheets, then summing the hours per week that the person worked.
The main sheets are to track hours, and billable dollars per project, but the summary is to track total hours per team member per week to make sure staff is being full utilized.
In the examples I have attached Aaron's summary should have 13 hrs per week listed. I do not have the foggiest clue how to do a lookup on a name when the position and sheet is random, and return a value summed for each week.
On the summary sheet I did copy rows 1&2 so at least the summary columns match the sheets.
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