{Newbie} How to create a bargraph that allows overlaping date data.
I suspect that the subject isnt clear as to what I am trying to create. The x axis would be the time range from 12am to 11:59 pm. The y axis (from top to bottom) would have the days in a month, from 1 to 31. The horizontal bar chart would graph the awake and sleep times of someone going from top to bottom. The issue is that these times can overlap if a person is awake late one night(pm) into the next day(am). How can I make the graph respond to the fact that the start of a new days bar is a continuation of the previous days bar?
For example. Day one a person is awake from 8PM Monday to 4am Tuesday. Day two a person is sleep from 4am Tuesday to 2pm Tuesday. There are two horizontal bars involved in creating this data. How do I make a chart that can chart this type of data for all of the data collected in a month where these times are variable?
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