Nick's Day By Day Excel Experts Blog

This is my blog... I am doing it so that I can track my own progress against where I think I should be.
Too much golf, and it'll all slip.
; - >
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Day 20
Spent most of today replacing all those nasty JPG's with PNG's... what a boring task, but I am now completely rid of JPG's
Day 19
Developed and released Expense tracker:
Expense Tracker Forum
Day 18
I really want this to be the best source of FREE Excel systems to download on the web, and am keen to get feedback on the work done so far.
I will know it's a success if the feedback is: "That's amazing, I never knew that was possible in an excel spreadsheet, and it has made me open my eyes and think a bit"....
Please vote in the poll, as I will work hard to improve this site to get you what you want.
Developed and released Share Trading system:
Share Trading System Forum
Day 17
Focus right now is on finishing an Equity Trading system that I started last night whilst watching a French movie that required a fair bit of concentration.
Day 16
Brain storming day today. I've written a list of things I'd like to do with this site, and now have to work out how to do them.
Also came up with ideas for 3 other sites, so if you lot don't keep me too busy with this, I'll have time to expand the empire.
; - P
Days 14 and 15
The continental way of celebrating Christmas is on the 24th. Consequently, I have been banned from opening my computer for the following 2 days... so I have snuck into the toilet where the wireless still works to add this update.
Happy Christmas to all those who celebrate it !
.. back on 26th.
Day 13
Yesterday's marketing campaign was very successful, with most interest generated in the "Shall I Buy Or Rent?" calculator. Over 2000 hits on the site.
Shall I Buy Or Rent? calculator
There's also interest from Microsoft on using this calculator in their training.
I think I'll give it to them on the basis that they fix an annoying bug:
- with sheet protected + allowing users to select only unprotected cells, CTRL + PAGE DOWN does not go to the next page. Instead, it does a PAGE DOWN action instead.
Today's focus will be on getting the "tip of the day" section up to speed. Given I started this late, there are 5 days to catch up on.
Tip of the day
Day 12
Today, I am wondering how long it will take for ExcelExperts to have as many hits as my photo website:
Nick's Photo Website
Currently almost 3 Million hits!
ExcelExperts - about 100 hits
Appearing 4th on Google for ExcelExperts (all one word), but not at all for "Excel Experts"
Need help marketing !
Going to spend today working out how to get known on Google.
Day 11
Trying to explain to my mother in law what an exotic interest rate derivative trading system is.. this may take a while....
Day 10
Writing up a list of "tip of the day"... right now, I'll run out in only a month !