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Corona Virus - COVID 19 Model - UK

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3rd April

Please find a model and analysis of the current covid 19 pandemic.

The model will evolve over time as we obtain more data, and will be continually revised to match the data. Predictions are likely to change quite dramatically as the data comes in, and also as the government policies change.

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XLA Routines: EE_TableFreeHeading

Finds the next available cell to put a heading on a data table
Function EE_TableFreeHeading(sht As Worksheet) As Range
'    for updates on this function
' finds the next free cell to the right of a table
    Set EE_TableFreeHeading = sht.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)
End Function
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XLA Routines: EE_ExtractRow

Extracts a row of data and transposes it - useful for analysing records with many columns
Sub EE_ExtractRow(Optional SourceSht As Worksheet, Optional TargetSht As String, Optional RowToExtract As Long, Optional wb As Workbook, Optional blnTranspose As Boolean = True)
' takes the selected cell row as default
' copies and transposes onto a new sheet
'    for updates on this sub routine

    If SourceSht Is Nothing Then
        Set SourceSht = ActiveSheet
    End If
    If wb Is Nothing Then
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
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XLA Routines: EE_ReplaceErrors

Replaces the errors on a sheet
Sub EE_ReplaceErrors(Optional rng As Range, Optional ReplaceWith As String)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' takes a range and replace the errors in the range

    Set rng = EE_TableDefault(rng)
    On Error Resume Next
    rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 16).value = ReplaceWith
    rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 16).value = ReplaceWith
    Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1
End Sub
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XLA Routines: EE_AddTableCalculatedColumn

Advanced function for adding a calculated col to a table
Sub EE_AddTableCalculatedColumn(Header As String, Formula As String)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' adds a calculated column to a table on the activesheet
Dim HeaderCol As Long
Dim myData  As Range
    If Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub ' no data
    Set myData = EE_TableGetColumnData(Header)
    HeaderCol = EE_TableHeadingCol(Header)
    Cells(2, HeaderCol) = Formula
    myData.value = myData.value
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XLA Routines: EE_FormatCols

Useful routine for formatting columns from an imported file
Sub EE_FormatCols(rngSource As Range, Optional rngTarget As Range)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' takes a source range containing the heading and format in 2 cols
' looks in the target range and formats the target range
Dim rngHd As Range
Dim rngFound As Range
    Call EE_Start
    Set rngTarget = EE_TableDefault(rngTarget).Rows(1)
    For Each rngHd In rngSource.Rows
        Set rngFound = rngTarget.Find(rngHd.Cells(1).value, , xlValues, xlWhole)
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XLA Routines: EE_ReverseSignInRange

Sub EE_ReverseSignInRange(rng As Range)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' takes a range as input and reverses the sign of numbers in the range
' turns positive numbers negative and negative numbers positive
Dim theCell
    Set rng = Intersect(rng.Parent.UsedRange, rng)
    For Each theCell In rng
        If Application.IsNumber(theCell.value) Then
            theCell.value = theCell.value * -1
        End If
End Sub
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XLA Routines: EE_ListSheetNames

Creates an index sheet with hyperlinks
Sub EE_ListSheetNames(Optional NewShtName As String)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' lists the names of the sheets on a new sheet
Dim sht As Worksheet
    If NewShtName = "" Then
        NewShtName = "Index"
    End If
    Call EE_ReplaceSheet(NewShtName)
    i = 1
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        Cells(1).Offset(i) = sht.Name
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(1).Offset(i), Address:="", Sub
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XLA Routines: EE_PivotTurnOffNonBlank

Sub EE_PivotTurnOffNonBlank(pvtField)
'    for updates on this sub routine
' turns off non-blank items from pivot table
' assumes 1 pivot on page, no error checking

    Dim pvtItem
    pvtField.CurrentPage = "(All)"
    pvtField.EnableMultiplePageItems = True
    For Each pvtItem In pvtField.PivotItems
        If pvtItem.Name = "(blank)" Then
                pvtItem.Visible = True
                pvtItem.Visible = False
        End If
End Sub
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XLA Routines: EE_PositionInRange

Function EE_PositionInRange(Header As String, rng As Range) As Long
'    for updates on this function
' Takes a heading name, range
' returns the position in the range as long
' returns 0 if not found
    On Error Resume Next
    EE_PositionInRange = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Header, rng, 0)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        EE_PositionInRange = 0
    End If
End Function
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XLA Routines: EE_TableDefault

Creates a range object that represents a table of data - used to pass to other subs that require data
Function EE_TableDefault(Optional rngTable As Range) As Range
'    for updates on this function
' returns the currentregion around the first cell - a good guess for a table of data's range
    Set EE_TableDefault = rngTable
    If rngTable Is Nothing Then
        Set EE_TableDefault = ActiveSheet.Cells(1).CurrentRegion
    End If
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_PivotRemoveTotals

EE_PivotRemoveTotals is a simple routine that removes the totals from a pivot
Sub EE_PivotRemoveTotals(Optional pt As PivotTable)
'  for updates on this routine
    If pt Is Nothing Then
        If ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
        Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    End If
    pt.RowGrand = False
    pt.ColumnGrand = False
End Sub
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XLA routines: EE_SortCols

EE_SortCols sorts columns by a predefined range of headers...
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