Excel VBA Data Validation Code

Vishesh's picture


This is a generalised code for Excel VBA Data Validation. It can be used across sheets in a workbook.


Sub createValidation(rngValidation As Range, rngReference As Range)
    Dim strRefRange As String
    strRefRange = "=indirect(" & """" & "'" & rngReference.Parent.Name & "'!" & rngReference.Address & """" & ")"
    With rngValidation.Validation
         .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
         xlBetween, Formula1:=strRefRange
         .IgnoreBlank = True
         .InCellDropdown = True
         .InputTitle = ""
         .ErrorTitle = ""
         .InputMessage = ""
         .ErrorMessage = ""
         .ShowInput = True
         .ShowError = True
     End With
End Sub
YasserKhalil's picture

Can you expalin how to use

Can you expalin how to use it?
Thanks advanced