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XLA routines: EE_CurrentRegion

EE_CurrentRegion returns the current region - the area contiguous to a cell.
Function EE_CurrentRegion(Optional Cell As range) As range
' returns the Currentregion
' defaults to activecell
'    for updates on this function
    If Cell Is Nothing Then
        Set Cell = ActiveCell
    End If
    Set EE_CurrentRegion = Cell.CurrentRegion
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_UsedRange

EE_UsedRange returns the used range - the area that has been touched on the sheet
Function EE_UsedRange(Optional ws As Worksheet) As range
' returns the usedrange
' defaults to activeworksheet
'    for updates on this function
    If ws Is Nothing Then
        Set ws = ActiveSheet
    End If
    Set EE_UsedRange = ws.UsedRange
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_ClearRows

EE_ClearRows clears the data from the rows specified
Sub EE_ClearRows(FromRow As Long, Optional ToRow As Long)
' Clears all the data from the rows
'    for updates on this routine
    If ToRow = 0 Then
        ToRow = FromRow
    End If
    range(Cells(FromRow, 1), Cells(ToRow, 1)).EntireRow.ClearContents
End Sub
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XLA routines: EE_DeleteColumns

EE_DeleteColumns deletes columns
Sub EE_DeleteColumns(FromCol As Variant, Optional ToCol As Variant)
' - FromCol and ToCol can either be a column, a letter, a number, or a heading
'    for updates on this routine

    If Not IsMissing(ToCol) Then
        If ToCol = "" Then
            ToCol = FromCol
        End If
        ToCol = FromCol
    End If
    If VarType(ToCol) = vbString Then
        ToCol = CLng(range(ToCol & "1").Column)
    End If
    If VarType(FromCol) = vbString Then
        FromCol = CL
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XLA routines: EE_InsertColumns

EE_InsertColumns inserts columns
Sub EE_InsertColumns(FromCol As Variant, Optional ToCol As Variant)
' - FromCol and ToCol can either be a column, a letter, a number, or a heading
'    for updates on this routine

    If Not IsMissing(ToCol) Then
        If ToCol = "" Then
            ToCol = FromCol
        End If
        ToCol = FromCol
    End If
    If VarType(ToCol) = vbString Then
        ToCol = CLng(range(ToCol & "1").Column)
    End If
    If VarType(FromCol) = vbString Then
        FromCol = CL
Nick's picture

XLA routines: EE_ClearColumns

EE_ClearColumns clears all the data in the columns specified
Sub EE_ClearColumns(FromCol As Variant, Optional ToCol As Variant)
' - FromCol and ToCol can either be a column, a letter, a number, or a heading
' clears all data from the col
'    for updates on this routine
    If Not IsMissing(ToCol) Then
        If ToCol = "" Then
            ToCol = FromCol
        End If
        ToCol = FromCol
    End If
    If VarType(ToCol) = vbString Then
        ToCol = CLng(range(ToCol & "1").Column)
    End If
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XLA routines: EE_ClearColumnsData

EE_ClearColumnsData clears the data but not the header for a range of columns.
Sub EE_ClearColumnsData(FromCol As Variant, Optional ToCol As Variant)
' for updates on this routine

' - FromCol and ToCol can either be a column, a letter, a number, or a heading
' calls EE_ClearColumn and puts headings back

' Example
' Age
' 1
' 40

' =>
' Age

' i.e the data is cleared, heading remains
'    for updates on this routine
    If Not IsMissing(ToCol) Then
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XLA routines: EE_CopyAndAddToTheEnd

EE_CopyAndAddToTheEnd takes the range to copy, the destination sheet, the header that the range will be copied in, and the row - useful for reconciling data
Sub EE_CopyAndAddToTheEnd(RangeToCopy As range, DestinationSheet As Worksheet, DestinationSheetPasteRow As Long, DestinationSheetPasteColHeader As String)
    'Basically the same as EE_copy, but Takes a destination sheet
    'and appends data to the end
'    for updates on this routine
    Call EE_Copy(RangeToCopy, DestinationSheet.Cells(DestinationSheetPasteRow, EE_Ta
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XLA routines: EE_TableGetColumnDataAndHeading

EE_TableGetColumnDataAndHeading returns the data and heading from a table of data.
Function EE_TableGetColumnDataAndHeading(Heading As String) As range
    ' returns the data and header from a header
'    for updates on this function
    Set EE_TableGetColumnDataAndHeading = EE_RangeChange(EE_TableGetColumnData(Heading), -1, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_TableGetColumnData

EE_TableGetColumnData takes a heading and returns only the data
Function EE_TableGetColumnData(Heading As String) As range
    ' returns the data from a header
'    for updates on this function
    Set EE_TableGetColumnData = Columns(EE_TableHeadingCol(Heading, ActiveSheet.UsedRange))
    Set EE_TableGetColumnData = Intersect(EE_TableGetColumnData, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
    Set EE_TableGetColumnData = EE_RangeChange(EE_TableGetColumnData, 1, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_TableGetColumn

EE_TableGetColumn takes a heading and returns the whole column as a range
Function EE_TableGetColumn(Heading As String, Optional Table As range) As range
'  for updates on this routine
    ' returns the whole column from a header
    If Table Is Nothing Then
        Set Table = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    End If
    Set EE_TableGetColumn = Columns(EE_TableHeadingCol(Heading, Table))
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_SheetName

EE_SheetName returns the sheet name...
Public Function EE_SheetName(Optional ws As Worksheet)
' returns the sheet name
' can be used on a worksheet as a function or called
'    for updates on this function

    If ws Is Nothing Then
        EE_SheetName = ActiveSheet.Cells(1).Parent.Name
        EE_SheetName = ws.Name
    End If
End Function
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XLA routines: EE_FileFolderExists

EE_FileFolderExists returns whether a folder exists
Public Function EE_FileFolderExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean
'    for updates on this function

    On Error GoTo EarlyExit
    If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then EE_FileFolderExists = True
    Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

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