Color chart series based on color pattern in a range

Download the attached utility to color the chart series/categories according to the specified color code. Comments have been added the the code.
Sub ColorChartSeries(rngColorPattern As Range, Optional cht As Chart, Optional blnListColorCodeError As Boolean = True) 'Three ways to call this method '1. Pass only the Color pattern range - this will color all charts in activesheet 'and also show the series/category name if a color code is not found for the same '2. Pass the specific chart to color '3. the last argument is optional and True by default Dim blnChartTypePie As Boolean Dim vCategories As Variant Dim intSeries As Integer Dim intCategory As Integer Dim strSrsNotFound As String Dim strTest As String Dim rngSeries As Range Dim rngCategory As Range Dim chtActSht As ChartObject If cht Is Nothing Then For Each chtActSht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects Call ColorChartSeries(rngColorPattern, chtActSht.Chart, blnListColorCodeError) Set cht = chtActSht.Chart Next chtActSht End If If cht Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Check if a chart is pie or not On Error Resume Next strTest = cht.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MaximumScale If Err.Number = 0 Then blnChartTypePie = False Else blnChartTypePie = True End If On Error GoTo 0: Err.Clear: On Error GoTo -1 With cht If blnChartTypePie = False Then 'if chart is not a pie For intSeries = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count Set rngSeries = rngColorPattern.Find(What:=.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Name, lookat:=xlWhole) If Not rngSeries Is Nothing Then With .SeriesCollection(intSeries) .Interior.Color = rngSeries.Interior.Color .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid .Border.Color = rngSeries.Interior.Color On Error Resume Next .MarkerForegroundColor = rngSeries.Interior.Color .MarkerBackgroundColor = rngSeries.Interior.Color On Error GoTo 0 'Bubble chart '.Border.Weight = xlThin '.Border.LineStyle = 1 .Shadow = False '.InvertIfNegative = True .Has3DEffect = True End With Else If Len(Trim(.SeriesCollection(intSeries).Name)) <> 0 Then strSrsNotFound = strSrsNotFound & vbLf & .SeriesCollection(intSeries).Name End If End If Next intSeries Else 'Pie chart With .SeriesCollection(1) vCategories = .XValues For intCategory = 1 To UBound(vCategories) Set rngCategory = rngColorPattern.Find(What:=vCategories(intCategory), lookat:=xlWhole) If Not rngCategory Is Nothing Then .Points(intCategory).Interior.Color = rngCategory.Interior.Color Else strSrsNotFound = strSrsNotFound & vbLf & vCategories(intCategory) End If Next intCategory End With End If End With If strSrsNotFound <> "" And blnListColorCodeError = True Then MsgBox "Color code not found for..." & vbLf & strSrsNotFound, vbInformation, "Chart: " & cht.Name End If Set rngSeries = Nothing Set chtActSht = Nothing Set rngCategory = Nothing End Sub
Attachment | Size |
ColorChartSeries.xlsm | 29.92 KB |
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If cht Is Nothing Then
For Each chtActSht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Call ColorChartSeries(rngColorPattern, chtActSht.Chart, blnListColorCodeError)
'Set cht = chtActSht.Chart 'commented
Next chtActSht
Exit Sub 'New line added
End If