How to Repair a severely damaged excel worksheet
My excel sheet won't Open with an error (Excel Cannot open the file
FILENAME.XLSX because the file format or file extension is not valid. verify
that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the
format of the file)
Please help this file is important to me...
- 47015 reads
My solution
My solution. I was looking for many tips to repair a corrupt excel file, the only advice that worked was this
please post the file for us
please post the file for us to try.
Some posts that can help
Could you send your file?
Could you send your file?
If you are looking for a way
If you are looking for a way to repair corrupt .xlsx file, you can try "Open and Repair" function of MS Excel. It is very simple and effective.
But if fails, you may try a third-party Excel Recovery software. I can recommend Excel Repair Toolbox tool to fix corrupt .xlsx file and to recover your data from it. You may try its free demo version first.
To know more about this software and to download its free demo version, visit:
If you are looking for a way
If you are looking for a way to repair corrupt .xlsx file, you can try "Open and Repair" function of MS Excel. It is very simple and effective.
But if fails, you may try a third-party Excel Recovery software. I can recommend Excel Repair Toolbox tool to fix corrupt .xlsx file and to recover your data from it. You may try its free demo version first.
To know more about this software and to download its free demo version, visit:
Another Solution!!
In most of the cases, this error occurs when Excel file get corrupted. In this case, you should try 'Open & Repair' option to repair corrupt file. If this option get failed to resolve this error then you should use Excel Repair Software. These software repairs corrupt Excel File as well as objects. Stellar Phoenix Excel Recovery is one of the best utility which you can try!
only one other option... try
only one other option...
try a different version of Excel... I don't hold much hope though.
try downloading open office
try downloading open office and opening it in that...
try downloading open office (Reply)
Thanks but i already did that as well as Excel viewer and other many free recovery softwares. Got any other advice??
Try to recover original extension
It could be that .XLSX is not its original extension (format), but it has been changed manually. Try to change extension manually to .XLS, maybe even .PDF. Maybe you are trying to open the wrong copy of the file.