Hyperlink field in Pivot Table (xl 2007)


Myself using Excel 2007

Is it possible to have a hyperlinked rowlabel/column label in pivot table

Sample.xls60.5 KB
Nick's picture

why would you need this...

why would you need this... simply double click on the data, and the results that go into that calculation appear

Hyperlink in Pivot Table (xl 2007)

Hi Nick,

I need to present financials (Bal Sheet)

Here it goes :
Under Asstes few groups & Liabilities few others
Each group has, say 10-15 account codes

Its impossible for me to download the whole transction file and make a pivot out of it.
But I have got the Account total from the trial balance along with few notes

When I click on the code it should take me to the Schedule sheet...

What I need is - Exactly a treeview
I understand, That is not easy..

Awaiting your reply..

Deepak Ji Paulson

why can't you create a pivot

why can't you create a pivot out of it ?

Hyperlink in Pivot

I can very well do that... But I want to include a schedule as well

pls add an example file to

pls add an example file to your post

Hyperlink in Pivot / Tree view using VBA

Pls. refer to the file attached in the first post

File name : sample.xls


Nick's picture

does double clicking on the

does double clicking on the value in the YTD column not bring u the right values ?

Hyperlink in Pivot

Hi Nick,

Double click will open a new sheet showing the same YTD value

What I need is a SCHEDULE sheet..

Kindly refer the notes in the sameple.xls file

Awaiting your reply

Nick's picture

unless the data you refer to

unless the data you refer to was used in the creation of the pivot table, it won't be possible to back it out..

Tree view

Thanks Nick

Is this possible using a treeview ???