IF statement not working.
Cant get this one to work, i proberbly didt it wrong, so please help if you can.
Hope somebody can help me whit this, And thanks for taking a look.
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IF statement not working.Cant get this one to work, i proberbly didt it wrong, so please help if you can. =IF(E11=N;(IF(E12=N);IF(F11>F12);S;N;S);(IF(F11>G12);N;S)) Hope somebody can help me whit this, And thanks for taking a look. |
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Hi Bamse, Still not fully
Hi Bamse,
Still not fully understanding what the argument you require should look like, I will attempt to provide you with the following hoping it matches your needs but if you could provide a detailed written explanation of what you want to happen without using any excel functions. or if possible even upload a sample spreadsheet.
I got it to work like
I got it to work like this
And i need to have ; not , in my Excel. Dont know why that is diferent from your others. Proberbly that 2010 Excel that does it.
I have tried to take it a
I have tried to take it a little apart here, and chanced it a little. Now it returns whit #NAME?
It is a part of a great circle sheet I am trying I creat or school. Where we have a start potision that is 55 N and ends in 45 N. Just to take some numbers.
Hi Bamse, When using
Hi Bamse,
When using functions if any characters are not purely numeric they need to be enclosed by inverted comma's "".
Also reading your function you need to use comma's , not semi colons ; to seperate different facets of a function. also don't close the bracket of an if function without completing all 3 facets for (statement,true,false)
without knowing what you wish to do I cannot assist any further as to put it politely your function above makes no sense whatsoever