Listbox and List

I wrote the following code in vba, I would like for every selection in listbox to call a macro.
It doesn't work How can i correct it?
I use control form listbox

First Part: Working
Sub Macro8()
Dim x As Integer
' Macro8 Macro
For x = 1 To 20
ActiveSheet.ListBoxes("List Box 23").AddItem x
Next x

End Sub

Second Part: Not working
Sub Macro4()

If Selection.ActiveSheet.Listboxes("List Box 23").List = 1 Then
Call Macro1
End If
GoTo 10

If Selection.ActiveSheet.Listboxes("List Box 23").List = 2 Then
Call Macro2
End If
GoTo 10

10 End Sub

Almir's picture

Listbox value change calls a different macro

What are you expecting to

What are you expecting to happen when you run Macro4? I'm not exactly sure what your intent is.
