Sum value in cell
In cell A1 I have value of 225
What formula to enter in cell A2 to get as result 9 (2+2+5)
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Sum value in cellIn cell A1 I have value of 225 |
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Hi there
I think this is what you're looking for:
The formula in cell A2 is an "array formula" and it be used to sum the digits of any number in A1 no matter how many digits the number has
Hope this helps
My 2 cents of contribuition
Kalop, Good afternoon.
For a fixed three digits number you may use this formula.
A2 --> =LEFT(A1,1)+MID(A1,2,1)+RIGHT(A1,1)
But if you have a variable digits number you must use this formula with a conditional variant.
Is it what you want?
I hope it helps.
Best regards,
Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Marcílio Lobão
Maybe the following and
Maybe the following and assuming A1 contains 225.