I am trying to get the following formula to work

=SUMIFS([EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$F$1:$F$324,[EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$C$1:$C$324,A1,[EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$D$1:$D$324,"> =A6",[EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$D$1:$D$324,"< =A7")

I import data from another system into an excel file named EXPORT1 with three main columns
(1) F1 TO F324 with financial information i want to sum based on certain criteria
(2) C1-C324 with text criteria i am trying to match ie Tax or National Insurance and
(3) D1-D324 with dates .

i want to tell excel to sum F if C meets the criteria requested and its greater than or equal to a start date and less than or equal to an end date shown in D .My "fixed" formula sits within a cell in a 2nd excel file (my dashboard). i want to be able to automatically populate my 2nd excel file headings(my criteria )with totals every time i export the data to export1 and override the last version. I can get more simplified version to work but it doesnt filter out the dates. =SUMIF([EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$C$1:$CI$369,A1,[EXPORT1.xlsx]Sheet1!$F$1:$F$369) so i tried to expand it . i dont get any error messages just a value of zero

EXPORT.xlsx18.99 KB
EXPORT1.xlsx18.36 KB


I think i have worked it out myself.