how to make expired date
Submitted by vinod_npn83 on 6 December, 2014 - 17:12hi..
i want to appear expire date in day.., question is "sheet2=mly or qly or sly or yly, sheet3=act_date, sheet4=expired date" i need to appear if sheet2=mly then add 30 days, and appear how many days remaining to expired in sheet4 automatically from today, and if sheet2=qly + 90 days, and appear how many days remaining to expired like that,,, and sly=180 days and yly=360 days, so how can i make this report,,,,
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- 2916 reads

Stamp Duty Changes From Autumn Budget 2014
Submitted by Nick on 4 December, 2014 - 10:48Stamp Duty Changes
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- 3901 reads
Help needed for expenses analysis
Submitted by Rakhi on 2 December, 2014 - 13:56Hi All
I need to analyse the expenses month over month as attached in the sheet.Please let me know some ways in excel available
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- 2816 reads
Automating transfer of seledted data from one sheet to another in excel 2003
Submitted by johnrgeddes on 1 December, 2014 - 21:38I have many rows of data in sheet 2 of the workbook which is made up of 4 columns of text and numerical data.
What I would like is for the operator to select a record using a drop-down menu in a cell and all of the data appertaing to that record be copied onto sheet 1, is this possible?
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- 3006 reads
Blank workbook problem in Excel 2007
Submitted by RobertE on 23 November, 2014 - 04:25My blank workbook is now so huge when I open it up. What happened?...and how do I fix it?
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- 3051 reads
NOT so Xcellent...
Submitted by krashnburn4ever on 7 November, 2014 - 19:51have gotten very frustrated with a workbook/page issue in what i call a WOTC (Waste Of Time Challenge )... so here i go...
on the left column i have 60 different names with 10 more columns named differently, say A to J labeled from date 'net'. then there are 12 pages total to set up the workbook. then what i want to be able to do is to pull out one of the 60 names and 'stack' that row from each of the 12 pages to make a page of summary for that row name... so to say, an individual worksheet for that line...
to WOTC or not to WOTC...
that is my question...
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- 3537 reads
Excel Problem
Submitted by vivienne3608 on 23 October, 2014 - 13:26Good afternoon,
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- 3572 reads
VBA: Creating function to find last row of the sheet.
Submitted by sravanmonty on 9 October, 2014 - 21:20Hello Experts.
Can somebody help me with the following query... This code will find last row of a sheet..but do not want to repeat for every sheet.
Dim lrow as long
Lrow=range ("a"& rows.count).end (xlup).row
Please help me to create function which can be used for any sheet..Thanking you in Advance.
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- 3734 reads
Need VBA help for excel
Submitted by basheer on 8 October, 2014 - 18:34Hi, could anybody please write a vba code for creating text format?
ex: the cell should be of 11 digits which first 4 digits should be alphabet followed by 0 and rest of the digits are numeric (SBIN0123456). If anything typed wrong should be alerted with error message.
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- 3872 reads

Impact Of Labour's Mansion Tax
Submitted by Nick on 2 October, 2014 - 13:28Mansion Tax Analysis in Excel - Labour's nationalisation of London homes
Today, we'll use Excel to look at the impact of Labour's Proposal for Mansion Tax for properties over 2 million,and demonstrate some interesting findings.
The Labour party is proposing a tax on properties over 2 million. They label this a "Mansion Tax". The idea is that wealth is redistributed from the "Mansion" owners, and used to fund the government's overspending.
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- 4898 reads
Calculate a list of Averages from a Timesheet
Submitted by lwlskop on 20 September, 2014 - 18:58Hi Guys
I want formulas that will calculate a summary of averages from the timesheet attached(actual spreadsheet has over 50,000 rows with 12 employee). My aim is to be able to see, when I expand each subtotal/month, the average hours worked per day/week/month for the month/subtotal and in the same manner as the number of counts for all employees - summarised below the table (highlighted yellow).
In other words, each subtotal will have its summary of averages below the table when I collapse it. Cells without data should be ignored in the formula
Many thanks
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- 3681 reads
Freeze first tab in first position
Submitted by FiBrear on 20 September, 2014 - 08:31Hi,
I know that Excel doesn't allow you to freeze one tab in the first position (i.e. making sure that a user cannot insert/move another sheet to the first position). Are you able to offer any suggestions on some VBA code that will do this for me please? I'm stuck!
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- 3676 reads
Formula issue
Submitted by jlbf9090 on 10 September, 2014 - 00:36Hello,
I have a worksheet titled Sample on which cell B5 is the due date and cell B4 is the completion date. I want to use conditional formatting on a separate worksheet that displays a dashboard of the project in which a cell will fill red if the due date is today or has passed but the completion date is blank. I'm doing something wrong with the formula but cannot figure out what. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
=AND(TODAY()>=Sample!B5, Sample!B4=" ")
- jlbf9090's blog
- 4050 reads
Formula to automatically assign the next sequential number to documents in an Excel register
Submitted by zribaesc on 28 August, 2014 - 13:38I'm creating a register in Excel to number engineering documents. Each document will have a unique number and will follow this numbering structure:
Discipline Code - Document Type - Sequential Number
Example: ELE-DRW-0001. This is the 1st electrical drawing in the register.
I'm trying to find the formula that will assign the next sequential number to new documents depending on their discipline code and document type code.
Example: If I am registering a new electrical drawing, I'd like Excel to give it 0002 as the sequential number.
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- 11581 reads
How to Fix “Excel 2013 has stopped working” Error Message
Submitted by jyotiprakash on 22 August, 2014 - 05:54I am a regular user of MS Excel and my complete work is dependent upon it. Recently, I have encountered an error with it, and it was 'Excel 2013 has stopped working'. Every time, I opened Excel, it crashed, and gave me this error. It annoyed me a lot, and I have decided to resolve it by myself. Here, I am describing the solution steps, which I have followed to fix this error.
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- 20523 reads
need help with copy and paste code
Submitted by lakke2120 on 17 August, 2014 - 15:49the code works fine but I need to change it copy and paste the spreadsheets it collects from my other files to the current workbook where the code resides. It currently saves a to new workbook.
Sub CopySameSheetFrmWbs()
Dim wbOpen As Workbook
Dim wbNew As Workbook
'Change Path
Const strPath As String = "C:\Users\lap\Desktop\file2\master1\"
Dim strExtension As String
'Comment out the 3 lines below to debug
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
On Error Resume Next
ChDir strPath
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- 5280 reads

Excel VBA Reports and Auditing Expert
Submitted by NickMoran on 15 August, 2014 - 18:46Hi,
I'm interested in working as Excel - VBA Reporting freelance work.
Currently I'm working as Reporting Analyst in Hyderabad, India.
I have worked over 7 years in Excel Reporting, VBA programming and also Auditing.
If you are interested please get in touch with me via email: / Phone: USA-Phone# 929-800-3813, skype:
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- 4096 reads
Excel help with a Formula
Submitted by cwarren on 13 August, 2014 - 19:34Looking for excel formula to calculate percent of time using standard deviation and mean.
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- 3782 reads
Have existing macro available to open on each new Excel spreadsheet
Submitted by alpha1 on 24 July, 2014 - 21:18I need to figure out if it's possible to have my EXISTING macro set up so that each time I open a NEW spreadsheet in Excel, I can run the macro in the same spreadsheet.
For example, if I export a set of data into Excel from another program, and the Excel spreadsheet opens with the data, I want to be able to click on "Macros" and be able to choose the Macro I need right there.
Can anyone please help me set this up?
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- 3732 reads
VBA code to execute Java-script on webpage
Submitted by sumifm on 18 July, 2014 - 00:53Hi
I am stuck in automation of a website by VBA. It has Javascript under a dropdown menu(Download). I wrote down VBA code but neither it gives any error nor it executes the Java script. Here is HTML code
and VBA code
For Each MyHTML_Element In IE.document.getElementsByTagName("a")
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- 6124 reads
Product Review: Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair Software
Submitted by jyotiprakash on 11 July, 2014 - 06:40Verdict: Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair is a professional tool to fix corrupt or damaged Excel files and restore the Excel objects to a new blank Excel file. The tool supports XLS and XLSX file repair from any reason of corruption. With this tool, you can recover objects like charts, chart sheets, cell comments, worksheet properties, and other Excel data.
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- 18110 reads
How to delete undesired rows
Submitted by raj007avi on 5 July, 2014 - 19:48I have reports in which no. of rows has been changed. I have create a macro to sorting the report. Its work fine with 144 rows. But whenever there are more rows in report macro still shows first 144 rows. How can I program my macro to work accurately?
- raj007avi's blog
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- 3727 reads

Need formula assistant for calculation of Intrest:
Submitted by k33jakha on 29 June, 2014 - 02:27as attached images, I need to calculate interest rate according to thecondition.
Help Me!
- k33jakha's blog
- 3721 reads
Can i use a date picker to go to worksheets that are named as dates
Submitted by Karleen73 on 28 June, 2014 - 13:04I have a workbook that has 365 worksheets, one for everyday of the year. They are named by date. Can I use a date picker to go to the corresponding worksheet. I am using Excel 2013
- Karleen73's blog
- 4521 reads
How enter data in multiple rows of excel, by calling them from VBA Macro?
Submitted by Deepak Makhija on 26 June, 2014 - 03:31Hi,
I have a excel database, which contains different classes e.g. Class-1, Class-2 and Class-3 and every class has 10 different names. Now I want to create three macros by the name Class-1, Class-2 and Class-3, so that if anybody in that excel sheet writes =class-1, then the names which are linked with class-1, shall displayed in excel rows. Simillary on the same sheet other classes may also be called, when required.
If anybody can solve this, it would be a great help.
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- 6784 reads
How to Open a Corrupt Excel File
Submitted by retromac2014 on 12 June, 2014 - 13:04When you are not open an Excel workbook, it means, your MS Excel file are damaged. The Microsoft Excel Application already provide AutoRecover feature that enables the damage file to be re-opened and simultaneously Fix it. But, however, the application of Excel are not always start the file recovery process each time, you attempt to open a damaged workbook. In such condition, you must attempt manual Repair process. All manually Repair process mentioned below:
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- 11909 reads
How to Recover Data from a Damaged Microsoft Access Database Table
Submitted by retromac2014 on 11 June, 2014 - 11:13Microsoft Access database tables hold all the data within it. At times, databases tend to get damaged due to various reasons and exhibit error messages. You can face problems when you perform various functions. Some of them occur when any one of the following conditions comes in front.
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- 8161 reads
Database Programming using VBA/Excel
Submitted by lordpreetam on 31 May, 2014 - 18:33Hi,
Can anyone please instruct me how to use my current worksheet containing 5 columns as a table in a relational database? This way, I can use codes like SELECT....FROM....WHERE...ORDER BY... as in database programming.
I am new to VBA and I apologize in case my question is trivial and ill-framed.
Thank you very much.
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- 6770 reads
Top 5 Methods to Repair your Corrupt Excel 2007 File
Submitted by jyotiprakash on 30 May, 2014 - 04:53MS Excel is widely used for storing and managing data in both text and graphical forms. Being a part of MS Office suite, Excel is used in various companies, colleges and institutions, and at many other places for keeping data in organized form with the help of its inbuilt formulas, formatting techniques, filters, and other internal functions. One of the major features of MS Excel application is data portability, which makes your data accessible on any Windows based computer.
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- 5012 reads

Solution to "Macro code that will repeat x number of time based upon a cell in my excel spreadsheet"
Submitted by Almir on 29 May, 2014 - 20:57This is solution to post at: Example file is attached.
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- 4748 reads

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